Hello, everybody. My name is Siu Wing, Lee.
I am a Master student in Information Technology. I completed a Graduate Dimploma in
computing in the University of Canberra last
year. I enjoyed this program so much that I decided to continue the study to a higher
level. This is the first semester of my Master program and the subjects I study include: E-Commerce, Client Sever Computing and Issues in IT Management. Currently I
am working on two major projects: an on-line student information system based on
TCP/IP client/server technology and an E-Commerce website Tasty Delights Online Coffee Shop
of which I am very proud because it is myself who wrote all ASP code for our team
including developing a complete shopping cart. I still recalled all those sleepless nights
and the joy of seeing my codes running on screen!
As for leisure, well, ever since I fall in love with computing, looking through those
computer books shelved in bookstore which I can not afford to buy has become a sort of
hobby. Of course, playing with computer painfully but enjoyably is my greatest interest at
the moment.